SibFU's football players to play in Cordoba | Siberian Federal University

SibFU's football players to play in Cordoba

Event date:

Event place: пр. Свободный, 79Б, футбольное поле Спорткомплекса СФУ

SibFU's soccer players (men and women) will have their last open training session before travelling to Cordoba (Spain) on 9 July 2012.

Spanish Cordoba will host the inaugural EUSA (European Universities Sports Association) Games in Cordoba from 13 to 23 July. The event is expected to gather the athletes from European and Russian universities. The Games will feature 10 sports and they will gather 2.500 students.

The inaugural games will feature the best student teams with the experience of championship in their countries. SibFU's mini soccer players (men and women) won last year's Russian University Championship.

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